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JetCity Africa Holding 2

Route Network
Aircraft Type owned leased overall leased out on order Ø age
This enterprise neither owns nor operates any aircraft right now.
overall 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 yrs
Subsidiaries and Investments

This list contains all subsidiaries controlled by this company as well as all shares in other enterprises greater than 30%.

Enterprise Headquarters Country Rating Share Symbol
Air Peace Lagos (LOS) AAA 100.00% not listed

The enterprise has not published any information so far.

General Information
Name JetCity Africa Holding 2
Code JAI
Alliance not a member of any alliance
Stock symbol not listed
Headquarters Lagos (LOS)
Country Nigeria
Parent company Enterprise is a holding
Managing director HVE
Founded 2024-07-03
Rating A
General statistics
Transported passengers 0
Transported cargo 0 CU
Stations 1
Fleet size 0
Staff 0
The enterprise Air Peace, a new subsidiary of JetCity Africa Holding 2, has been launched in Lagos.
JetCity Africa Holding 2 has been founded in Lagos.
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